The long awaited release of the Korean MMORPG (massively multiplayer online action role-playing game) Lost Ark can be felt as today at 5pm GMT the download servers opened and the flood gates began to rain delicious chunks of bite-sized data, lovingly collected by my ever obedient hard drive. Like the delicious lashings of chocolate I have so eagerly devoured in the past, the taste and anticipation of the next delightful full-bodied chunk of binary digits is almost proving too much for my little computer to handle! Rattling like a neglected engine I just hope it holds out under all this pressure!
But ….. seriously. It’s here. I’m downloading the game files as I write this and I can hardly contain my excitement. Despite having already tasted what the game has to offer on the Russian servers, I am eager to get started on my next inevitable time-sink. I fear for my studies. The last time I was this excited was for the launch of World of Warcraft Vanilla way way way back in 2004. The 23rd of November marked that momentous occasion and I honestly can’t remember much else other than starting my degree in Computer Games Programming in October 2005 thereafter. Trapped in a state of delirium where the only thing my feeble mind could process was enchanting recipes, dungeon progression and The Barrens PvP …. For The Horde!
Alas, another worthy title has finally caught my eye and I cannot wait to sink my teeth into it. The EU release of the game begins tomorrow at 5pm GMT marking 24 hours after the game files were publicly release to we ever-hungry MMO nerds.
So, what is Lost Ark I hear yee ask?
Lost Ark, a 3D massively-multiplayer online action role-playing game offers an immersive action-centric playing style and adopts a non-targeting combat system and a dynamic quarter-view angle to maximize the game experience.
Now I didn’t really have much experience in this style of game. The isometric top down view is a very specific style of gameplay, that paired with click to move meant I really had to open my mind and try to see the game from a different perspective. My expectations of an experience similar to that of my time in World of Warcraft means this game has some serious boots to fill but after spending about a couple of days (maybe 12 hours in total) on the game spanning 4 different classes I can honestly say what I’ve seen so far is nothing short of spectacular.
Anyway, without whittling on needlessly ….. I guess the most prominent question is maybe “Should I try it?” or better yet, “Why?”
So here are a few things to consider:
– It’s FREE
– It’s Awesome
– It’s F R E E
– It’s absolutely terrific
OK, you get the point.
Well I’m off to sharpen my blades, buff my shield, grab my energy drinks and prep the supplies in preparation for the big stream tomorrow night. Given this is my first big stream on the site I don’t expect any love but I’m doing this for the passion people, not the votes.
I hope you all find Lost Ark sooner rather than later and when you do you’ll find me here:
Server: Zinnervale (EU)
Characters listed below:
Newb Ninja – Shadowhunter